What Dave is Reading

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Early Bird Gets Daved

Every week, Dave has to write a paper for a class, Contemporary Problems in Business. Three pages about the speaker can be cut and paste, which is sweet, accompanied by a few questions to sprinkle after the lecture. Dave finished his paper early Thursday afternoon, which, it should be noted is quite an accomplishment.

Dave went to bed early for once on a Thursday night, in order to awake early for the 8am shuttle to midtown. Dave likes to be early anywhere he goes. Being early can usually give enough time to iron out any mishaps that might occur at any time.

945am, Friday morning, a classmate asks to see Dave's questions to get some ideas.

"That's not the speaker, she is speaking next week! Quick, change everything!"

With only fifteen minutes left until the lecture Dave rewrote his paper, and now has one for this week. Unfortunately, Dave suffered a lot of well deserved embarrassment in doing the wrong paper.


Ok...so Dave didn't really Get Daved so much here, but this story was on this author's mind. Help the site grow by submitting your own stories: yougotdaved@gmail.com

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