What Dave is Reading

Friday, September 29, 2006

Suitable for the Ten Days of Repentance

Usually the stories that grace these pages follow a pattern of: start, sadness, odd occurrence, hysterical ending. Today's post will follow said path.

Author's note: During these days of Awe, it is customary to review instances during the past year where G-d's hand had a clear play in the events of the day.

-->Please feel free to welcome our newest fan AH.

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A few weeks ago, this author landed at BWI airport, wife-in-tow, to go back home after a wonderful visit to a longtime friend (M&CL).

Flying Southwest at off-peak times and off-peak dates to save a few bucks - $160
Arriving too early at the airport, therefore requiring the purchase of essential magazines - $15
Remembering just in time to use a coupon to save $2 dollars at the parking lot - Priceless.

Pulling up to our apartment, we briefly decided to stop to get our mail at the front door before parking in our lot. Four minutes later, our car refused to start.

Click click click click click ZIP

Just as our insides were beginning to boil up and we started to search the car for our trusty AAA number, a white truck pulled up behind us.

AAA Battery Repair

It turned our, our county had but one AAA battery repair truck, and he happened to have been dropping of a nice old lady at our building JUST THEN. What could have been hour and hours of endless waiting, aggravation and possible sadness was averted with a 5 minute free battery replacement.

I'd like tot hank the Academy, the American (and Canadian) Automotive Association and the Almighty. Oh ya, and my wife, or course, for keeping me from getting all annoyed when the car wouldn’t start.

Have an easy fast and a meaningful Yom Kippur.

1 comment:

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