What Dave is Reading

Monday, December 11, 2006

Update to "The Awakening"

This Sunday's Washington Post, Sunday Source section, had a road trip idea that left my mouth gaping. It took readers around little know parts of Downtown DC, past the Big Chair and over to "The Awakening". I was astonished to see the exact same pictures and trip ideas that I found off of Roadside America and from the TravelZoo Unleashed DC video.

I found this all to be very amusing. The back page of the Sunday Source had pictures from every stop on the trip, but the article only lists a few, not including "The Awakening".

I'm a little annoyed at the post and wish they would have attributed this better. When I look at their "Travel Deals" each week, I've already seen at least half of them a few days earlier. The post needs to shape up and show something special. With all this massive media house has up its sleeve I am surprised at the lack of synergy.

None-the-less, the Washington Post is an excellent newspaper and I continue to be a subscriber.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mr. Politico Officionado

My friend "Josh" started blogging a little while ago about "Politics".

Josh's Political Musings

Find him at http://joshspolitics.blogspot.com/

We both worked for a Presidential Campaign in Iowa a few winters ago.

The whole episode began with doughnuts and great deli sandwiches and ended with sad defeat, booze (not me though) and a long, lonely drive back to Chicago. There was nothing but cold, flat Iowa in between.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Students volunteer for 100,000 hrs. New pledges already at 28,000 hrs!

---Note to Readers of You Got Daved: This is an Experiment---
(Both for volunteering and for the possibility of getting on Digg's main page. I will keep these posts to a bare minimum if ever again, but I want to see how fast a genuinely good deed driven website can be virally promoted.

Got an idea of how to explode this? Let me know, posts a comment. Thanks!)

Volunteer to repair the world by pledging an hour or 20.
The world needs our help. Students have taken the lead in volunteering. Will you stand with them? Help us start a trend! Let us know what you're already doing, or pledge to volunteer some time.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


You might have noticed that I have been updating my Blog.

I figured that I needed to follow the advice of all my web 2.0 reading and up the abilities of this bad boy.

My favorite source for quick 2.0 reading is Transmitt.

Can you find everything? Some of it is pure code (it's in the source but I wouldn't know it was there or what it meant otherwise.....but it sounds kinda cool).

I am using Feedburner for all of you wonderful subscribers.

I am self-promoting (shamelessly I might add) through:

and Google (of course!)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Web 2.0 Poster

Amazing FooBar Poster
Originally uploaded by Orli Yakuel.
I've already printed this out and am looking for a frame for my desk.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

"The Awakening"

Today was random. We went on an unscripted trip to the tip of the Tidal Basin, right near where so many of the national monuments are. We went on search for the little known larger-than-life sculpture, "The Awakening".

"Travel Zoo Unleashed"
had identified this DC secret and no one we knew had ever seen or heard of the beast.

8 wrong turns, 1 badly printed google map, 1 near death experience and 1 hour later we were there.

Directly across from the Landing strip of the National Airport, "The Awakening" is an awe inspiring scene. Children picking a nose, grown men climbing an elbow, and almost no tourists....a local resident's dream.

No one should miss this outing.

Follow Ohio Dr. past the FDR memorial, past the Jefferson Memorial into West Potomac Park until the road loops around. A great source for our trip was Roadside America.

Video to be posted to YouTube shortly.

Kosher Taco Stand in LA

A few weeks ago I went to the World's ONLY Kosher Taco Stand.

Hooked up to the back of some guy's pick-up truck is a mobile Mexican cuisine establishment serviced by two very authentic Mexicans. For next to nothing you can be satiated with chicken or beef and a drink. Pretty sweet jumbo/large style.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Frank Caliendo - Pee in Your Pants Funny!

I've just rediscovered one of my all-time favorite comedians and wanted to share....Enjoy!

A Tribute to 1M - "Lecha" by Shekov

This video really brings us back to the Heights. Good job!