What Dave is Reading

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Welcome All Ye faithful

You Got Daved.

A comment bestowed upon the lucky few to be sure. Once you realize that you are in the hands of a master plan you can find the laughter or you can find the tears (insert alcohol here for effect). Out of many late nights and far too much discussion this diary of events has finally found a home. What was once just spots of luck has become an international phenomenon. People the world over are finding out what it means to "get daved".

These stories won’t necessarily be in chronological order, nor will they be posted as they happen. Old tales will be written as they are remembered, and new ones will appear as they will inevitable happen.

Others are greatly encouraged to post their favorite Davism. Whether or not the tale actually includes the infamous "Dave" is of but miniscule importance.

What should be stressed is humor, good taste, and above all the ability to rise above the bad taste and find the good in every corner.

Bad luck is only a state of mind.

- The Establishment



Anonymous said...

Dave, what does it involve to be Daved? -- Menachem Butler

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dave Weinberg said...

Oops! Sorry annon. didnt mean to delete your post, this blog thing is new to me. There are no prizes being awarded, rather the satisfaction of feeling part of a community.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! :)

Is being Daved a good or a bad thing?