What Dave is Reading

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Numa Numa Dave

Long Absence. No explanations. Sorry.

Now, on to the Daving.

Ever since Gary, the Numa Numa guy from NJ went online, Dave had been sweetly pestered by his admiring fans as to the authenticity of "Gary".

"Dave, you are the Numa Numa guy....come on!"

Nothing Dave could say or do would sway the hordes, and as of last night it has become official:

Dave is funny, and can dance (but only slightly), but he is nothing but an impersonator.

Check out the Purim edition of the YU Commentator online or at your local bin.

Monday, March 07, 2005

WYUR Merchandise

In order to help the University's wonderful radio station, WYUR, a whole lot of stuff is now on sale bearing a new logo, with more to come.


Also, don't forget to tune in Sunday through Thursday 7pm-1am for exciting live programming.
The rest of the time, great music is always being played.


The Early Bird Gets Daved

Every week, Dave has to write a paper for a class, Contemporary Problems in Business. Three pages about the speaker can be cut and paste, which is sweet, accompanied by a few questions to sprinkle after the lecture. Dave finished his paper early Thursday afternoon, which, it should be noted is quite an accomplishment.

Dave went to bed early for once on a Thursday night, in order to awake early for the 8am shuttle to midtown. Dave likes to be early anywhere he goes. Being early can usually give enough time to iron out any mishaps that might occur at any time.

945am, Friday morning, a classmate asks to see Dave's questions to get some ideas.

"That's not the speaker, she is speaking next week! Quick, change everything!"

With only fifteen minutes left until the lecture Dave rewrote his paper, and now has one for this week. Unfortunately, Dave suffered a lot of well deserved embarrassment in doing the wrong paper.


Ok...so Dave didn't really Get Daved so much here, but this story was on this author's mind. Help the site grow by submitting your own stories: yougotdaved@gmail.com

Thursday, March 03, 2005

In Direct Relation

Nothing funny entered this author's email or came before his desk before the day's end...and so we are pleased to bring you a skewed look into Dave's way of thinking. Enjoy!

I am Peeing which is in direct relation to how much I had to drink.

I had far too much to drink today which is in direct relation to how much I ate.

I ate three "meals" today, all of which were eaten after it was dark out, which is in direct relation to my Thursday schedule.

My Thursday schedule includes putting on my pants and watching TV, which is in direct relation to the fact that I had nothing to do today.

I had nothing to do today, besides putting on my pants and watching TV, which is in direct relation to my filed efforts at finding an internship two days a week.

I failed in finding an internship which is in direct relation to the fact that every opportunity was unpaid.

Every opportunity which I interviewed for was unpaid, even though I really need hard currency, which is in direct relation to Hashem finding new ways to test me.

Hashem likes to test me (or poke fun in my general direction) which is in direct relation to my

"Getting Daved"

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Things Funny Enough to Make You Pee a Little II

Straight from the Spam Vault, we bring you Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn", performed by David Armand, mime specialist extraordinaire.